Meet a few of the Cast of Characters
in the Soul Forge Universe

“Thank you…You were the light I needed to guide me free of the darkness I had fallen into. I’ll never forget you, my friend.” ~Reecah Draakvriend
Born: 39 Years before Zephyr became a kingdom.
Other Names: Poppet; Flower bud
Titles: Dragon Witch; Windwalker
Weapons: Bow; arming sword; staff; magic
Physical Description: Female human. Dark brown hair.
Brief history:
Reecah Draakvriend was born to parents: Kruid Bewarder, a distant relative of High King J’kaar, and Marinah (nee: Draakvriend), a direct descendant of Katti Windwalker. She was their only child.
Growing up in a small cabin on a hill overlooking the backwater community of Fishmonger Bay, Reecah was a dreamer and a loner.
Bullied by the village children for her different outlook on life, Reecah grew up without friends.
After the death of her grandfather, Viliyam Draakvriend—her confidant and best friend, Reecah preferred exploring the slopes of Peril’s Peak and communing with nature over dealing with the abuse she received at the hands of her peers.

Reecah laughed. “Tell you what. You promise me to never die and I’ll promise you the same. Whoever breaks their promise first loses.”
Several, long, slow wing beats passed. “I think that whoever is left alive will be the loser.” ~Lurker
Born: 18 years before Zephyr became a kingdom.
Other names: Lurky
Titles: Son of Grimclaw
Weapons: Claws; Teeth; fire breath
Physical description: Male dragon. Green. Emerald eyes.
Brief history:
Lurker was born to parents: Grimclaw, the Ancient Wyrm of Draakclaw—slain by the Dark Heir, Prince J’kwaad outside the Dragon Temple, and Gwyrdd, his mother—slain by Jonas Junior Waverunner in Dragonfang Pass. He was their only child.
Meets Reecah Draakvriend shortly after he hatches and is instantly enamoured with her for reasons he doesn’t understand at the time.
Devotes his life to preventing the extinction of dragonkind and Reecah’s protection.

Reecah. If you fall, I will carry you. ~Jonas Junior Waverunner
Born: 44 years before Zephyr became a kingdom.
Other Names: Junior
Titles: Son of Jonas Waverunner
Weapons: Longsword
Physical description: Male human. Blonde hair.
Brief history:
Jonas Junior was born to parents: Jonas Waverunner—fisherman and head of the dragon hunt, and Julip (nee: Starl), in the village of Fishmonger Bay. He was the eldest of five siblings. Brothers: Janor (Fraternal twin of Jennah. Killed in Dragonfang Pass eight years before Zephyr became a kingdom) and Jaxon. Sisters: Janice and Jennah, (fraternal twin of Janor).
Grew up in Fishmonger Bay. During his youth, his father, Jonas, groomed him to follow in his footsteps to one day take over the dragon hunt.
Jonas Junior trained with the other members of the hunt, but his vision of what he wanted for a future secretly lay elsewhere.

“It’s me! It’s me!” ~Raver
Born: 29 years before Zephyr became a kingdom.
Other Names: Dirty bird; Stupid bird; Crazy bird
Weapons: Beak; claws
Physical description: Raven. Black feathers.
Brief history:
Raver is caught by Grimelda the witch to be sacrificed in a spell.
The witch never performs the spell and Raver becomes a part of her Mystic Shoppe in Fishmonger Bay.
Raver serves as her early warning system when the leery residents of the village come calling.
Raver learns to communicate with Grimelda by repeating certain words.

I guess this is goodbye, my friend. It’s time I dance with the mistress of death. ~Larina
Born: In the year, 618 A.Z.
Other Names: The Storms End Lightning Bolt
Titles: Songsbirthian Guard
Weapons: Dagger; throwing knives; bow
Physical Description: Female human. Brunette.
Brief history:
Larina was born on the streets of Storms End, the child of a woman of the evening. Her mother, whose name is never mentioned, was killed when Larina was nine. Larina never met her father.
Already street smart, Larina quickly learned how to survive on her own, with the occasional help of a businessman and his family whenever times became desperate.
Her rough upbringing instilled within Larina a higher sense of compassion for those less well to do people in society. Appreciating the very real struggle of homelessness and being preyed upon, Larina made it her life’s ambition to care for the infirm and downtrodden who had been cast into the streets.
Running afoul of the law and piquing the interest of a few of the shadier members of the Storms End Watch, Larina spent half of her time eluding their patrols, knowing that if she was ever caught, those who depended on her for their very survival would be desperate straits.

Swallowing the bitterness, she trembled with anger at her helplessness. Teeth clenched, she promised herself that someday soon, she and her sisters would be free of the mysterious cabin on the hill. When that happened, she would never go by the family name, Ors, again. ~Sadyra
Born: In the year, 621 A.Z.
Other Names: Dragon Witch
Titles: Songsbirthian Guard
Weapons: Bow; dagger
Physical Description: Female human. Auburn hair.
Brief history:
Sadyra Ors was born to parents: Tural, a descendant of Reecah Draakvriend, and Areeza (nee: Copper), in Fishmonger Bay. She was the eldest of three sisters. Sleena was six years younger than Sadyra and her sister Sable was nine years younger.
Sadyra’s earliest childhood memories were of physical and emotional abuse meted out by her parents. Sadyra bore the brunt of her parent’s malaise, often placing herself in harm’s way to spare her siblings.
Working the waters of Fishmonger Bay from an early age, Sadyra grew up a lonely child, supporting her alcoholic parents, and taking care of Sleena and Sable.
Though not sure why her parents acted this way toward her, Sadyra is made aware of a dark legacy that hangs over her family name. One that requires a dire price.

It’s time we go where darkness thrives. ~Pollard
Born: 609 A.Z.
Other Names: Son of Thoril Half-Hand
Titles: Third in command of the Songsbirthian Guard
Weapons: A broadsword with two separate blades.
Physical Description: Male half-giant. Reddish-brown hair.
Brief history:
Pollard Banebridge was born to parents: Thoril Banebridge, the son of Thoril the Kraidic Crusher, and Amrylla Physt, a giant, in the seaport of Storms End. Amrylla died protecting Pollard during Helleden Misenthorpe’s invasion of Zephyr in 617 A.Z.
Pollard was being groomed to take over his father’s position as the Master of the Storms End Council, but Pollard could not abide by the corrupt laws governing his hometown so he set out at sixteen to enlist with the king’s army and vie for a position with the Royal Guard.
He was noticed while training with the local Watch in the capital city of Carillon by Johnnes Holmann, the captain of the Songsbirthian Guard. Accepting the offer of recruitment into the kingdom’s elite fighting garrison, Pollard moved to Songsbirth. He quickly rose through the ranks.
In 636 A.Z., after Queen Quarrnaine Svelte died to prevent Helleden Misenthorpe from conquering Zephyr, Master Pul, the chambermaster of the Songsbirth Chamber of the Wise, assigned Pollard with the task of refortifying the defenses of the Muse.
Pollard made it his mission to scour the kingdom in search of the diamonds in the rough to augment the elite line of last defense stationed within the Splendoor Catacombs. Encouraged by his father’s premonition and the vision of a foreign witch, Pollard dedicates his life to preparing his forces to face the storm brewing on the horizon.

Only your heart can determine your course. If you refuse to acknowledge what it’s telling you, you’ll be forever lost. ~Lozen
Born: 601 A.Z.
Other Names: Warrior
Titles: Trainer with the Songsbirthian Guard; Falconer
Weapons: Bow; dagger
Physical Description: Female human. Jet black hair.
Brief history:
Lozen was born to parents: Chief Render, and Whysper; both of the Altirius Mountain Elk Tribe.
After the insurgence of Helleden Misenthorpe in 636 A.Z., Lozen is sent to assist Pollard Banebridge in the training of his elite guardsmen as a way of paying homage to the role that Thoril the Kraidic Crusher played in keeping her peoples free.
An astute judge of character, Lozen has Pollard’s ear when it comes to who to recruit and who to bypass. Lozen’s wisdom is far beyond someone her age.
Lozen has a spirit companion in the guise of a falcon named, Naiche. The two are inseparable.

I bid you safe travels as you join your ancestors in the Halls of Hafgufa, the resting place of the Kraidic warrior. You are proof that even heroes must die. ~Silurian Mintaka
Born: In the year, 595 A.Z.
Other Names: Helleden’s Bane; Mystical Swordsman
Titles: Sir Silurian; Former King’s Champion; Liberator of Zephyr; Member of the Group of Five
Weapons: St. Carmichael’s Blade (broadsword); Soulbiter (enchanted dagger)
Physical Description: Male human. Black hair.
Brief history:
Silurian Mintaka was born to the parents: Zorn Mintaka and Mase (nee: Storms End), on a homestead south of Cliff Face. Silurian had one sibling: Melody Bowman.
Orphaned at the age of sixteen, Silurian and his sister hid in the caves on the slopes of Mount Cinder, evading the ever-present trolls and other things that hunted in the night.
They fled to the cut-throat city of Cliff Face and were soon forced to flee from the insidious clutches of a man Silurian had inadvertently wronged. In a desperate attempt to save his sister from a fate worse than death, Silurian killed the man. In doing so, he earned the favour of the heir to the Ivory Throne, Prince Malcolm Alexander Svelte.
Silurian and Melody were fostered by King Peter Malcolm Svelte in appreciation of their unselfish actions. Silurian became fast friends with Malcolm and quickly rose through the Royal Guard’s ranks.
Forming a clandestine society of vigilantes to do the dirty work the crown didn’t care to partake in, Silurian crossed paths with an eclectic band of fighters: Rook Bowman, Javen Milford, Helvius Pyxis, and Alcyonne. As their notoriety spread, they became known as, ‘The Group of Five.’
In 617 A.Z., Zephyr’s forces were brought to their knees by an invasion led by the sorcerer, Helleden Misenthorpe, and his minion army. Rook Bowman led the Group of Five into the famous Battle of Lugubrius. During their clash with Helleden Misenthorpe, three members of the Group of Five were slain: Javen Milford, Helvius Pyxis and Alcyonne. In the end, Rook Bowman drew the sorcerer’s attention, thus enabling Silurian Mintaka to slay Helleden Misenthorpe and end the war.
King Peter Malcolm Svelte and his champion, Fornax Cassini, were slain during the Battle of Lugubrius. In the proceeding days, King Malcolm Alexander Svelte ascended the Ivory Throne and appointed Silurian Mintaka as his Champion.
During the victory feast after King Peter was laid to rest, and the new king, Malcolm, was crowned, Melody Bowman went missing. Her disappearance was the catalyst that took Silurian Mintaka and Rook Bowman away from their duties to the crown.
They travelled a long and treacherous road in a futile effort to find out what happened to Melody Bowman—a dark road that eventually caused Silurian and Rook to part ways before they killed each other.
Silurian Mintaka returned home to a grizzly discovery. While he fought to save Zephyr from certain doom, someone had murdered his family.

In the end I was forced to make a decision. Either kill him to save him from himself or just let him go. Obviously, I chose the latter. I couldn’t bring myself to end the life of the one person whose beautiful soul had once enriched the lives of everyone who knew him. ~Rook Bowman
Born: 594 A.Z.
Titles: Leader of the Group of Five; Lord Fatherer
Weapons: Bow
Physical Description: Male human. Black hair.
Brief history:
Rook first comes into the storyline as a knight in training with the Royal Guard. His prowess with a bow elevated him above his peers. While in training, he met Silurian Mintaka. Through Silurian, he met Melody Mintaka and fell in love. They were wed shortly afterward.
Forming a clandestine society of vigilantes to do the dirty work that the crown didn’t care to partake in, Rook became the leader of an eclectic band of fighters: Silurian Mintaka, Javen Milford, Helvius Pyxis, and Alcyonne. As their notoriety spread, they became known as, ‘The Group of Five.’
In 617 A.Z., Zephyr’s forces were brought to their knees by the onslaught of the sorcerer, Helleden Misenthorpe, and his minion army. Rook Bowman led the Group of Five into the Battle of Lugubrius.
During their clash with Helleden, three members of the Group of Five were slain: Javen Milford, Helvius Pyxis and Alcyonne. In the end, Rook Bowman drew the sorcerer’s attention, enabling Silurian Mintaka to slay Helleden Misenthorpe and end the war.
King Peter Malcolm Svelte and his champion, Fornax Cassini, were slain during the Battle of Lugubrius. In the proceeding days, King Malcolm Alexander Svelte ascended the Ivory Throne.
During the victory feast after King Peter was laid to rest and the new king, Malcolm, was crowned, Rook’s wife went missing. Her disappearance is the catalyst that took him and Silurian Mintaka away from their duties to the crown.
They travelled a long and treacherous road in a futile effort to find out what happened to Melody—a dark road that eventually led to Rook and Silurian parting ways before they killed each other.
While continuing the search for his wife, Rook was attacked and left for dead along the borders of the Forbidden Swamp. He was rescued by the denizens of the enormous tract of marshland. Due to his subsequent efforts to defend the peaceful swampland, Rook was named the Lord Fatherer.
Despairing he would never see his wife again, Rook settled down on the banks of a magical bog known as Deneabola, content to see out the rest of his life.

Can you imagine how hard it was to look the woman in the face knowing full well when her death was going to happen?
~Alhena Sirrus
Born: 488 A.Z.
Other Names: Phazarus; Pops
Titles: Senior Messenger of the Chamber of the Wise; Royal Archivist; Deacon; Wizard of the North
Weapons: Knucklettes; staff; spells
Physical Description: Male human. White hair.
Brief history:
Alhena Sirrus was born a century and a half before the Soul Forge storyline. Because of his early penchant for magic, he was brought to the attention of the king’s high wizard at Castle Svelte and tutored at an early age.
Alhena’s reputation as an up and comer in the dwindling magic community garners notice of the highest wizard in all the lands—Ignis Vir, the Wizard of the North.
Alhena, known as Phazarus to his peers, trains under the watchful eye of Ignis Vir. The Wizard of the North grooms Alhena to achieve his ultimate purpose—to take the place of the failing Grimward, Thunor Carmichael.
But first, Phazarus must ensure the safety of the soon to be born, Mase Storms End. Being a seer, Ignis has foreseen that Mase’s children, Silurian Mintaka and Melody Bowman, will be instrumental in averting an unavoidable, deadly confrontation from consuming the world.
Entering into a pact with a nefarious necromancer, Phazarus watched over Mase Storms End, but he laments that he cannot undue the grim prophesy Ignis Vir has foretold of her violent death.
In a last-ditch effort to save Mase’s magically gifted daughter from the clutches of the Stygian Lord, Helleden Misenthorpe, and indeed, the Soul, Phazarus abducts her during the feast celebrating King Malcolm’s ascension to the Ivory Throne.
Events spiralled out of Phazarus’ control and forced him into hiding. Handing down his position of Wizard of the North to a reluctant Melody Bowman, Phazarus set out to redeem Silurian Mintaka’s darkened soul.

I live with the shame every night when I close me eyes. I lay awake listenin’ to ‘ow the world carries on as it does, the regular folk unthinkin’ of the lost souls livin’ upon it. ~Olmar
Born: 562 A.Z.
Other Names: Big Oaf; Midge; Lunkhead
Titles: Helmsman
Weapons: Warhammer
Physical description: Half-giant. Reddish grey hair.
Brief history:
Olmar was born in Thunderhead to a lady of the evening and promptly put into an orphanage where he spent the first seven years of his life. Though he never knew his mother, he knew of her.
The local Father Cloth noticed how poorly the other children of the orphanage treated Olmar and asked the baron of Thunderhead to take him in. Olmar was adopted into the baron’s family that consisted of two older boys and a girl around Olmar’s age.
The baron’s wife never liked the adoption, claiming Olmar was hideous and that she already had enough mouths to feed.
As well meaning as the baron had been, the man had an aversion for the local gambling houses, and favoured the nightlife and the females who plied their trade—his favourite being Olmar’s real mother.
It came to Olmar’s attention that his real mother had been killed by a drunken patron. Olmar overheard the baron tell his wife that he had taken care of the woman who vexed her so—Olmar’s mother. In a blind rage, Olmar slew the baron and his wife and fled to Storms End.
Living on the streets, Olmar found he had to continually fight in order to survive.
Olmar caught the attention of a friend of Captain Thorr Sandborne and was hired on to clean and slop the bilge of the ocean-going ship, Gerrymander.
Olmar’s cheery attitude, no matter how dire the circumstances were, enamoured him to Captain Thorr. When he was old enough to manage the helm, the captain trained him as a junior navigator.

His words sparked a feeling deep inside her she hadn’t known herself capable of. Revenge. ~Melody Bowman
Born: 597 A.Z.
Other Names: Melody Mintaka
Titles: Wizard of the North
Weapons: Staff; spells; unguents
Physical description: Female human. Blonde hair.
Brief history:
Melody Bowman (nee: Mintaka) was born to the parents: Zorn Mintaka and Mase (nee: Storms End), on a homestead south of Cliff Face. Melody had one sibling: Silurian Mintaka.
Orphaned at the age of sixteen, Melody and her brother hid in the caves on the slopes of Mount Cinder, evading the ever-present trolls. They fled to the nearest city of Cliff Face and were soon forced to flee from the insidious clutches of a man Silurian had inadvertently wronged.
In a desperate attempt to save her from a fate worse than death, Silurian killed the man. In doing so, he earned the favour of the heir to the Ivory Throne, Malcolm Alexander Svelte.
Melody and Silurian were fostered by King Peter Malcolm Svelte in appreciation of their unselfish actions.
Melody caught the attention of one of her brother’s friends, Rook Bowman. She knew at once Rook was the man for her and they were married shortly afterward.
In 617 A.Z., Zephyr’s forces were brought to their knees by the onslaught of the sorcerer, Helleden Misenthorpe, and his minion army.
Rook Bowman led the Group of Five into the famous Battle of Lugubrius. During their clash with Helleden, three members of the Group of Five were slain: Javen Milford, Helvius Pyxis and Alcyonne. In the end, Rook Bowman drew the sorcerer’s attention, thus enabling Silurian Mintaka to slay Helleden Misenthorpe and end the war.
King Peter Malcolm Svelte and his champion, Fornax Cassini, were slain during the Battle of Lugubrius.
During the victory feast after King Peter was laid to rest, and the new king, Malcolm, was crowned, Melody Bowman was abducted by a wizard.
Melody spent the next twenty-three years in a different realm, under the tutelage of the Wizard of the North, Phazarus. The wizard convinced her the people’s need outweighed her desperate desire to return to Zephyr and be with her husband.
Before Phazarus left her alone on Dragon’s Tooth, he bestowed the illustrious title of Wizard of the North onto her.